Monday, September 04, 2006

To you out there, Damn you.

You think you care.
You think.
You ASSUME, therefore make an ASS outta U and ME.
Leave me be and let me language lie.
You just care about me using or not using vulgarities in BF or out.
Just to not let me tarnish you "image".
Well, let me go to church and leave you and your image to be.
You should know who you are.

I know why i like Heart of God better than BFY.


phoenixfreak said...

Sigh...abit of a touchy subject rite....
i have no place to say...
*Big Sigh*

jB said...
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Anonymous said...

Im not sure what you're talking a catholic...all i can say is...ANYONE can go to church...a hindu...bhuddist...or whatever...CAN go to church...

*hey...i noe im not the right person to be telling you this...but you really got to cut down on the colourful lang. k?*

`Shawn Jason