Thursday, April 26, 2007

boo! guess who! =]

"You have a very nice voice to talk to."
imagine. someone told me that. goodness.
that's it! hahahaha. that's gonna be the last time i talk to you before you go to sleep man. hahahaha.
madness. hahahahaha. i cant stop laughing. goodness.
i think talking to you before you sleep makes you a little crazy. hahahaha.
Make me say good night to you HOW MANY TIMES! before you're satisfied? hahahaha.
hmph. make me say so many times. hahahaha.
then you never say somemore!
and yes i did dream of you after you told me to dream of you! haha.
grrrrz. hahahahaha.
we should stop talking before we go to sleep. hahahaha.
not as in literally before we sleep coz obviously to some poor idiots who dont understand two sided english languages, this is meant by the fact, we do not talk before bed time.
understand kids?
HAHAHAHAHAHA.oooooooh I'm mean. hahahahahaha.
and i can be a pre school teacher.
gabriel will laugh reading this.
and i can predict his answer.
"No problem de. you blend straight in."
back to the talking topic. hahaha.
that's it. we talk in the morning.
which reminds me.
You wanted me to call you in the morning why?
So that you can hear me talk?!?!?!?!?!?
grrrrrr. hahahahahaha.
i feel like yelling your name out loud!
but to save myself from......
you know who you are. hahahahahahahaha.
he wakes up at 7. i wake up at 7.30.
he wants me to call him when i wake up, so i can talk to him,
so that he can hear me.
can anyone guess now? hahahahaha.
guessed who yet? hahahahaha.
well, hahahaha, KEEP GUESSING. coz i'm not telling. hahahaha.
but well, it does give me incentive to wake up, though i might not want to go to school.
so well, let's start the day right, and call you.
i feel that school will be great.
still no idea?
keep guessing.
Agnetta talked long tonight.
Agnetta is sick.
Agnetta has to wake up early to call someone tml morning.
Agnetta has a nice voice to talk to...?
Agnetta had no physic tests today.
Agnetta is renewed.
Agnetta is not long stagnant.
Agnetta is a thermostat.
Agnetta loves her for He loves her the way she is.
Agnetta does not need to fake her way into people's lives.
Agnetta loves her King and Saviour.
I love you Lord!

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